🤔 Invest or Save?

Yes. This is the City Chad, your money and lifestyle maestro, conducting a symphony of financial success. Let's compose our masterpiece!

In this week’s edition:

  • Markets: ⬆️ Stocks Go Brrr…

  • Chad of the Week: 🎙️Joe Rogan

  • Article: 🤔 Investing or Saving?

  • Power Move: 🎞️ Sound of Freedom


Most markets are green, super green. And it’s summer time. Does life get any better?

“Super Green”, like in the cult movie The Fifth Element

So what’s going on and why is your portfolio looking like the Rainforest Café?

Inflation data is cooling off, not just in the US but in other parts of the world, such as the UK. Albeit, the numbers are still far from low. Central banks usually target around 2% inflation per year.

On top of better inflation numbers, the chances of a US recession keep getting slashed. Goldman Sachs reduced the probability now to 20%. This is the “Goldilocks” scenario most market players dream of.

That has led to stocks continuing their upwards rise, along with most other asset classes.

However, the excitement around crypto has faded a bit since then.


The man who needs no introduction, Mr. Joe Rogan.

UFC commentator, stand-up comedian, actor, podcaster, martial artist, and former television presenter. Talking about a jack of all trades, right?

He’s the man that lives on his own terms and excels at most things he tries.

So, let’s talk about what made him our CoW.

Love or hate him, you know he’s the host of his ultra popular podcast The Joe Rogan Experience. There, he sometimes features controversial topics. We won't mention those here to not get shadowbanned. But you know what they are.

What brought him to the spotlight this week was his recent spat with Dr Peter Hotez.

It all started when the doctor accused Rogan of providing a platform for misinformation. Joe basically called him out straightaway.

He invited Hotez to debate his position with Robert F. Kennedy Junior (the alleged culprit of espousing misinformation).

No time limit on the debate too. This is super cool as they really wanted to dig deep into each side’s arguments and make it as fair as possible.

Hotez basically danced around the question of attending. He finally refused to and was ridiculed for it by many big names such as Elon Musk.

Joe totally owned him after making it explicitly clear that the Dr was basically not willing to provide any evidence to his claims.

Surely any man of science should be willing to engage in discussion (within reason) to find the truth. Kinda the whole point of science?

Anyway, to date, Hotez has not accepted the challenge and has been exposed as someone who can’t stand by his words.

Without raising his voice, Joe owned the unfit doctor.

Chad move, plain and simple

P.S. We love this video below of a previous interview Hotez did with Rogan. He basically admits to being a junk food addict. Just what you want to hear from a "Global Health Expert".



TLDR: Simply put, investing is usually the correct choice if you want your money to grow over the long term. But, saving is the boring thing you have to do to cover you for the unexpected. Learn how and when to do each, like a total Boss.

  • Comparing Saving and Investing

  • How much to Save

  • How to Build your Savings

  • Moving to Investing

Aren’t they the same thing?

Were you today years old when you found out there is a difference between saving and investing? I’m sure you’re not alone.

It’s a straightforward difference. But to be a Chad of your personal finances, it is important to know the difference between the two intimately. So intimately it may make people around you uncomfortable.

Saving is putting our stash in a safe place like a bank with some interest return.

It is slow and safe. Usually good for building a foundation or in emergency cases.

But it is not the way to actually grow your wealth. Inflation will usually deplete your savings if that is all you do.

On the other hand we have the riskier way, investing. Basically you put money in things that grow over time and give you dividends. Hopefully those will be beating inflation and giving you some sweet gains. It’s more for the long run.

Comparing the Two


- Offers a guaranteed return on interest. Usually low, though
- Provides an emergency for unexpected issues
- Safer and slow compared to investing
- Must be built first before investing
- Example: Savings account in the bank


- Potential to gain significant returns over time
- Has a risk factor that saving doesn’t usually have
- Can beat inflation (this is a big one)
- Serves long term goals the best
- Examples: Stocks, bonds, gold, crypto, venture capital

My take is that anyone should start by saving and building a good protection mattress before jumping into investing.

How much? A fat savings account should be able to cover your expenses for at least 6 to 12 months if you lose your main income (usually your job).

Also, if you need money in the medium term you should stick with savings. Like buying a car or a home, for example.

But how to build savings in the first place? 

A solid rule of thumb is the 50/30/20.

Allocating 50% of your income to necessary things like groceries and basic services.

Then 30% to non-essentials like dining out or entertainment.

And finally the 20% goes to your savings account.

Moving to Investing

Once you have savings that can cover 6 to 12 months of living expenses, my opinion is that you should start turning to investing.

You can get into the stock market, crypto, riskier bonds, or even start a business.

Otherwise you are leaving money on the table as your hard earned cash could be working harder for you.

Investing (done properly) is usually the ticket to growing wealth, if you are willing to accept it is not going to be a straight line. That’s a very important thing to remember.

Investing is more for the long run with money you won’t touch for a few years. I’d say 5 years at least.

And always remember, investing has the potential to give you some gains but also lose a big chunk of it.

Especially if you don’t know what you’re doing and just YOLO’ing into very risky things. Or have a short term mentality.

Then investing becomes gambling and we have places for that. They’re called casinos.

How much should you invest in each type of investment? That’s a big topic, so keep reading City Chad to find out some clues.


So no matter what you do with your investments, if you end up down, you should have savings that serve as an emergency fund.

Don’t get into investing so quickly that you’re neglecting saving.

Investing is like the active limbs doing all the heavy duty while saving is the backbone holding everything together.


Sound of Freedom. A movie about a former government agent risking his life to rescue children from human traffickers hidden in the jungle. It is based on a true story.

What can be controversial about that? Well, recently it’s been accused of appealing to conspiracy theorists.

Yes, in a World where, according to some, exercising is akin to fascism, the Left are now busy discrediting a real-life hero movie.

The “problem” with this movie is that it dares to suggest that people in power can get involved in shady activities like human trafficking.

But hey, that actually happens in real life sometimes. Some people in the higher spheres got nervous, it looks.

They are accusing the film of spreading dangerous ideas and messages and even linking it with QAnon.

But because some ideas overlap doesn’t mean that the movie loses its moral and entertainment value. Especially when that overlap is “powerful dudes might traffic children”.

The beauty of it is that, despite receiving backlash from some of the mainstream media, the film is getting tons of attention, flipping the proposed narrative.

What could have been just another regular hero movie is now in the spotlight and getting people talking.

That annoys certain people it seems who are suspiciously critical of a movie that aims to bring awareness of a big problem affecting thousands of children. Many of those kids are coming from developing countries.

Joke’s on the critics. The film is making waves and its existence is a Power Move against evil in the World.


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The material on this email and our website is for informational and entertainment purposes only and we make no guarantees as to the accuracy or completeness of its content – it is subject to change. Please conduct your own due diligence and research.

None of this information is financial advice, and you should consult your financial advisor before making any investment decisions. Your capital is at risk and you may lose more than you initially invested. We do not provide any offer or solicitation to buy or sell any investment products, nor does this constitute an offer to provide investment advisory services.

The Chad index (“the index”) is a combination of historical returns for the following assets:

Equities: Vanguard FTSE All-World UCITS ETF USD Acc
Fixed Income: iShares Core Gl Aggregate Bd UCITS ETF USD Hgd Acc
Real Estate: iShares Developed Markets Property Yield UCITS ETF USD (Acc)
Gold: Gold Bullion Securities Limited

The index is rebalanced quarterly to the target weights shown in the table. The target weights are subject to change. The index does not represent the performance of a real portfolio and does not imply a recommendation to invest in any of those assets. Past performance is not an indication of future performance.


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